Jogging Past the Graveyard

The ideal extended lifespan, from a young designer’s point of view

Ed Whitlock on his daily jog – Image Source


Ed Whitlock is 85 years old. As I researched this article, he beat the world record marathon time for his age group by almost fourty minutes [1]. Once he retired, he had time on his hands and got serious again [2]. The reason I have introduced Ed is not only because I, strangely enough, also jog past a graveyard every day. It is because whilst passing the graves and tombstones, the future of ageing is often on my mind.

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A Year Of Discoveries

Completing a 13 month placement at Foster + Partners


The end of a unique placement experience and a long summer holiday ahead must be a good occasion to finally start a blog, right? My 13 months at Foster + Partners have now come to an end and as expected the time has flown and the discoveries about the ‘real’ design world have been plenty. Continue reading “A Year Of Discoveries”